I have been working with traditional crafstman Karel Hanák for over a half of the year now in collaboration with oraganization Krásná práce. Togerther we created vases based on Habánská majolika. It is very old and traditional way of decoration founded in 17. century by community of Anabaptists. The overall shape of the vase is based on different kinds of pitchers with smaller bottom diameter. Meaning its more stand out piece, but it keeps the simplicity.
I have been working with traditional crafstman Karel Hanák for over a half of the year now in collaboration with oraganization Krásná práce. Togerther we created vases based on Habánská majolika. It is very old and traditional way of decoration founded in 17. century by community of Anabaptists. The overall shape of the vase is based on different kinds of pitchers with smaller bottom diameter. Meaning its more stand out piece, but it keeps the simplicity.